all postcodes in ME10 / SITTINGBOURNE

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Postcode Area

ME / Rochester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ME10 2BQ 4 4 51.34602 0.73217
ME10 2AB 1 1 51.347072 0.732101
ME10 2AD 37 2 51.347881 0.732523
ME10 2AE 8 0 51.348407 0.732712
ME10 2AF 12 0 51.347017 0.731753
ME10 2AG 6 0 51.347215 0.732138
ME10 2AH 49 0 51.347793 0.730968
ME10 2AJ 22 0 51.347647 0.729823
ME10 2AL 10 1 51.348283 0.731455
ME10 2AN 26 3 51.34913 0.732642
ME10 2AP 5 1 51.34996 0.732819
ME10 2AQ 3 0 51.347229 0.729999
ME10 2AR 35 8 51.349193 0.732184
ME10 2DT 8 0 51.348881 0.732037
ME10 2AS 8 0 51.346948 0.732022
ME10 2AT 25 0 51.350922 0.73246
ME10 2AU 21 0 51.350521 0.731517
ME10 2AW 1 1 51.363231 0.751453
ME10 2AX 25 0 51.351183 0.731312
ME10 2AY 14 0 51.347227 0.730934